Sugar Gliders in the wild are opportunistic omnivores. They eat primarily vegetables, nectar from tree saps, insects, and some fruits. As their primary care taker, it is important that you feed your gliders a well-balanced diet consisting of all the nutrients they need! It's always good to rotate your fruits & veggies with each batch to make sure and give them a variety of vitamins. 

A diet too high in phosphorous will lead to intestinal problems and calcium deficiency. Low calcium levels will cause your glider to get very sick, eventually having partial or total paralysis, and inevitably an early death. Always be sure to sprinkle The Pet Glider's Multi-Vitamin with Calcium before serving your gliders their regular meal!

Below is a list of safe fruits and vegetables that you may feed your sugar gliders. The ones highlighted are the foods that we feed our sugar gliders at TPG. Always feed fresh or frozen, never canned!



Apples Alfalfa Sprouts
Apricots Artichoke
Asian Pear Asparagus
Avocados Bamboo Shoots
Bananas Beet Greens
Blackberries Beets (cooked and blended)
Blueberries Bell Peppers
Cantaloupe Black Eyed Peas
Cherries (no seeds) Bok Choy
Coconut Broccoli (feed in moderation)
Cranberries Brussels Sprouts
Currants Cabbage (red)
Dates Carrots
Dragon Fruit Cauliflower (feed in moderation)
Figs Celery
Grapefruit Chicory Greens
Chinese Cabbage
Guava Collard Greens
Honeydew Coriander
Java Plum Corn (cooked)
Jujube Chick Peas
Kiwi Cucumber
Kumquat Dandelion Greens
Mandarin oranges Eggplant (cooked)
Mango French Beans
Mulberries Ginger Root
Nectarine Green Beans
Papaya Jicama
Passion Fruit Kale
Peaches Lettuce
Pears Mustard Greens
Persimmon Okra
Pineapple Peas
Plantain Potato (sweet)
Plums Pumpkin (cooked)
Prickly Pear Radish
Prunes Rutabagas
Quince Snow Peas
Raisins Okra
Raspberries Spinach
Strawberries Squash (yellow)
Tangerine Turnip (cooked)
Watermelon Turnip Greens
Yellow Wax Beans


Foods to avoid:

Garlic, Onions, Chocolates of any kind, Rhubarb, bread, dog/cat food, beef, cottage cheese.