Spring Cleaning Sale!
33 products
Spring brings renewal and cleanliness, keep your cage in tip-top shape by replacing old wheels, water bottles, and C- links. Try a different mount for your wheel or add a second one so all your suggies can get summer-ready this spring! Keep their nails neatly trimmed with our various nail trimmers and for those extra nippy gliders, handle them with bonding gloves lightly sprayed with the pleasant smell of our bonding potion. To keep this clean tidiness all year long use chlorhexidine or our healthy habitat spray to wipe down cage bars, wheels, and perches in between cage deep cleans.
Showing 1 - 24 of 33 products
Original Bonding Potion
Nail Clipping Pouch
Healthy Habitat Spray
Bonding Tent
Nail Trimmers
5 oz Feeding Bowl Combo
Nail Trimming Combo
Cage Clip Locks
5 oz Feeding Bowl
C Links 25 Count
10 oz Feeding Bowl
Mini Links
C Links 100 count
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